The True Power of Clean – Dan Wagner – GEM Fest 2018
Professional Development Education for the Cleaning Industry Certifying All Levels of Employment Empowering Staff to Earn Respect Learn how to articulate the true value of your team. You are the leader of the Risk Management team. During this class you will be asked repeatedly, “Why are you doing what you are doing?” “What is the…
Do you currently use Clean Core technology? NO, well then this will help you with some basic principles of the system. If you have a system, this will help to make sure you know the tips of using the Filling Station. Here is a link to the education/training course from the Academy of Cleaning Excellence…
Bobby Zagers and I talked about producing this LIVE, Internet show and how many shows to have, back last October 2016 and now it’s April and the first three months of 2017 have been, well, both challenging and rewarding. The production staff never really knew what they were getting thrown into, how to do what…
The restroom cleaning area of the Academy is finished. It has been a long process, but it has come out well. Next week, the ISSA Master Certification class will be the first to be able to utilize this new addition. We will be teaching ‘Best Practice’ methods for not only hand work, but touch free cleaning…
“I would recommend this class to any new employee, mid-level and executive level managers, as it will open your eyes and mind to see how our field impact the lives of others every day.” Pascale – Miami, FL This event is hosted by; Be sure to sign up early as the class size is…
Steve Prentice is a speaker and writer who works in that murky space where people and technology try to co-exist. His background is in organizational psychology and project management, and for over 20 years he has helped people and their companies understand how to work with new technology and manage change. Steve says that fear…