Infection Prevention – Ray Ranger at GEM Fest 2018
We are Janitors and We Save Lives… If you believe this, click on the picture for the rest of the story. Post Views: 2,508
Your Mobile Phone Is Dirtier Than You Think Posted by Patrick Boshell on Wed, Jul 17, 2013 “It’s a well-known fact that cell phones are dirty objects, but just how unclean are they? Fun fact: each square inch of your cell phone contains roughly 25,000 germs, making it one of the filthiest things you come in contact with…
Infection prevention is a proactive process which means that administration must work in concert with the Environmental Health Services team, while keeping workers/students/occupants advised of the “Best Practices” for staying healthy. If there is the belief a “crack team” is able to sanitize the office and completely eliminate the issue of illness within the facility,…
Mike Seebeck with Earthlabs/HDOX and Dave with the Academy of Cleaning Excellence were both in the GEM Supply booth at the FSPMA conference this week in Orlando, FL. The two guys talk to distributors around the country as to the benefits of professional development and partnering with operations such as GEM Supply. The Rock…
From Sharon’s Course….follow the link to the FREEBIE!!! It’s impossible to reach your goals when you don’t have any in place. Going day to day without a clear vision of what you want to achieve makes it impossible see progress and motivate yourself to reach the goal post. What’s your vision for your future personally and…
There were many people who had a hand in “inventing” the vacuum cleaner. Every invention and patent has made minor improvements and has evolved into what we use today. Many people are under the assumption that H. Cecil Booth, a British engineer, was the first person to patent the vacuum cleaner in 1901.[1] The first…