Two Podcasts * The Wisdom of Walt & LOVE IS

This week we had two different guests on our podcast, Beyond Clean With ACE. Kim Sorrelle is a writer, speaker, entrepreneur, the director of a humanitarian organization, activist, mother, grandmother, lover of all people, and black licorice. Listen to the podcast to hear about her yearlong experiment in living out 1 Corinthians 13.…


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BCWA S4:E6 David Reimann talks with us about the details and facts when becoming an infection prevention expert

Becoming an Infection Prevention Expert starts with a positive proactive mindset. There are plenty of resources easily available to help schools get on the right track to be proactive and not reactive. Join us on this podcast as we discuss this topic further. Podcast Topic: The importance of being an Infection Prevention Expert at Schools. Every…


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BCWA S4:E5 Steve Prentice is here talking about technology, people and sales.

Steve Prentice is a speaker and writer who works in that murky space where people and technology try to co-exist. His background is in organizational psychology and project management, and for over 20 years he has helped people and their companies understand how to work with new technology and manage change. Steve says that fear…


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October Podcast with Dr. Aaron Buchko – motivating & changing habits

Dr. Aaron Buchko has signed on to be a regular on our show and first of all, we want to say THANK YOU. Aaron is a professor at Bradley University and during this conversation with Dave, he speaks about the classroom and cleaning from his perspective.  How the changes in the classroom affect him and…
