E38 BCWD * You Don’t Understand Me with Don Tracy
There is a new dawn upon us! The newest innovation in the cleaning industry, The Kaivac Battery Powered AutoVac, is here! This new machine will revolutionize the way you view efficiency, as this new product is considered to rival auto scrubbers in speed and effectiveness. Unlike auto scrubbers, which use multiple steps to properly clean the…
48 Hours left! http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e83a8be5d642b3e9ad7a23f3b&id=36400bed8c&e=4d9c540c2a Post Views: 2,205
By Kassandra Kania With 80 percent of infections being transmitted through direct contact, it’s no wonder that proper cleaning is as vital as good personal hygiene. In addition to identifying key areas that harbor infectious bacteria, custodial managers are charged with implementing best practices for the removal of these microorganisms. This includes providing custodians with…
Post Views: 2,354
A sneak peek into what skills training goes on during a LIVE class in Orlando. Join us for the next class: https://academyofcleaning.com/vct-floor-care%2Fmarketing Post Views: 400