BCWA S4:E13 Tandy Pryor talks about the power of Women in business and not giving away that power to someone else.

Have you given your power away to your family, clients, fears, your desire to be “nice”, your old stories, and your past?
“Taking back your power” looks a little different for everyone.
Being nice is all well and good, but are you being too nice? Sometimes you have to rock the boat a little to be the best advocate for yourself! The world needs leaders and truth-tellers.
When you envision your ideal self at the end of this year, what does that look like? What if this is the year that you finally transform the things in your life that no longer work? I am here to help you find your way back to INNER PEACE and SUCCESS on your own terms.
If you would like a FREE session with Tandy, here is your link: https://www.tandypryorcoaching.com/podcastcalloffer/
Connect with Tandy Pryor Coaching here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tandy-pryor-coaching/