E37 BCWD * Recognizing Value with Dan Wagner
http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e83a8be5d642b3e9ad7a23f3b&id=db277131fd&e=4d489fe492 Post Views: 2,783
BCWG S4:E27 Joel Craddock from Docs Facility Services is talking about staying safe at home and work. BCWG S4:E28 Dave does a review of the questions/conversations of the week. Post Views: 2,198
Bobby Zagers is the VP/CMO of GEM Supply, a distributor in central Florida. During this time of massive closures of facilities, service personnel is being called into action everywhere. As a result, distribution is being challenged. So much so that Bobby was not able to join us for this live broadcast as planned. Your host,…
By Kassandra Kania With 80 percent of infections being transmitted through direct contact, it’s no wonder that proper cleaning is as vital as good personal hygiene. In addition to identifying key areas that harbor infectious bacteria, custodial managers are charged with implementing best practices for the removal of these microorganisms. This includes providing custodians with…
Bill Fellows contributes each month and today we talked about proper PPE and procedures when using chemicals. Proper gloves, goggles and the right type of mask are the hot items when using chemicals safely. With coronavirus on everyone’s mind, Bill and Dave talked about procedures and measuring outcomes as well. They both talked about the…
Bill Fellows is on the show for the first time, and it won’t be the last as he has signed up to be on the show every month in 2020. Bill Fellows started his career in the cleaning industry over 53 years ago, February 1966. Bill’s experience includes working as a custodian, business owner, multi-site…