The Bread and Butter of a Company

When people look at the sales of a company, most will only look at the amount of customers they service. That only equates to half of the business equation. The other half is your employees. If the employees of a company aren’t feeling appreciated or are unhappy, the production and quality will decline. The worst thing that can happen to a company isn’t an unappreciated customer, but instead an unappreciated employee. This can cause tremendous problems for a company, because unappreciated employees doesn’t equate to one mistreated customer, but possibly hundreds of dissatisfied customers.

Causes of Employee Dissatisfaction:


There always needs to be a strong line of communication between all channels of a business. One of the hardest obstacles to overcome is when an employee is given minimal information about a project, but expected to complete it in its entirety or when a manager asks the information about a current project and gets no feedback.

Common Ideas:

Nobody is going to agree on everything that is being done in a company, but there needs to be a clear and decisive goal for a company’s objectives. This allows the employees to remain focused on expanding and developing the company. These ideas need to be communicated to each employee so they know the true purpose of the company.

Team Building:

Companies, no matter how big or small, require teamwork. Without it, a company can’t grow to its full potential. The question is, what is the best way to promote teamwork within a company? There are many different ways to promote these ideas, such as going to team building exercises that create trust between the employees, another could be holding company parties to promote friendship. The main goal is to help your employees feel like they aren’t working just for a paycheck, but to see the company flourish from the work that each employee does.


This is the main driving force for all employees, so how do we keep high morale? Through gratification, compensation, and fun! Gratification can be as simple as telling someone they did a great job last week, or putting up an employee of the month photo each month of someone who went above and beyond. Compensation is typically in the form of pay, but it doesn’t have to be. You can give incentives to employees to motivate them to the victory. An example might be, if we meet a quota of getting 7 percent more revenue next quarter, the company will purchase an entertainment piece, such as a Flyboard or Jet-skies for company events. Through it all, the company needs to have fun. No one wants to work all day without any play. This can also be celebrating birthdays, celebrating holidays or even having gatherings on non-work days to say “thanks” to your employees and what they have done for you.

While the customers are a big part of a company, the employees are equally important. They are the oil to the motor of the corporation’s gears. They are the ones who produce the sales and retain the customers. Just like if you don’t take care of customers, if you don’t take care of your employees then your business will never succeed. So remember to communicate the ideals of your company, perform team building exercises and don’t forget to schedule time for Fun!


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