Janitorial Services Growth * Talking Clean in a Dirty World

The topic for today’s discussion is whether or not there really is going to be a 9% growth in the custodial/janitorial cleaning market over the next decade.   This report says: Global Janitorial Services Market Report 2023: Growing Demand for the Real Estate Industry Fuels the Sector  Link to the report: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-relea…

Javier Cuarta starts the conversation by telling us what his Tampa-based, Modern Cleaning Solutions is doing and some of the services they are providing outside of servicing the normal, routine cleaning tasks that everyone thinks about.

Bobby Zagers from GEM Supply looks at it differently as maybe this 9% is just riding the inflation wave of business.  He points out that in Florida, building is booming, and cleaning operations are most likely outpacing the rest of the US.

Don Tracy, a facility advisor for GEM Supply, has a completely different take on the subject.  His belief is that this growth is due more to the generational issues of “someone else” doing the cleaning because they don’t want to do that.  He also points out that rental properties in Florida are booming and are the growth sector janitorial operations should be looking to for their business growth. Listen to the broadcast. 

Share with us your option.  Join in the conversation by sending us your thoughts.   

WEBSITES ==================================

MODERN CLEANING: https://www.moderncleaningsolutions.com/

GEM SUPPLY: https://gemsupply.net/

ROCK STARS OF CLEANING: https://rockstarsofcleaning.com/

ACADEMY OF CLEANING EXCELLENCE: https://academyofcleaning.com/

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