BCWG S4:E8 Ryan Roghaar talks about the BREAD method in building quality business relationships. Oh, and Spain too!

Ryan Roghaar teaches those who work remotely and those who hire them how to better work together.
In this episode, we talk mainly about the BREAD method.
- Build
- Research
- Engage
- Action
- Delight
And don’t forget, UFC – Up Front Conversations
Listen and get the inside story on how to use this when building your professional business relationship.
Ryan’s Podcast is EGGS
Eggs is a podcast that centers around creativity in all forms. From building businesses, personal projects and constructing brands to crafting music empires, finding social fame, fortune and more—we discuss whatever, whenever, with whomever in search of patterns, expertise, shared experience, and knowledge.
You can connect with Ryan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanroghaar/
Connect with Dave on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davethompson1/