Avoiding Negative Social Media

The New Year of 2015 is coming, and the Millennials, people born between 1980 and the early 2000’s, are starting to become the main consumers, which is exponentially moving businesses into the era of Social Media. The era where one mistake can mean the loss of hundreds of customers for your business. The era that has created the fastest form of word of mouth marketing to date, and its through the many forms of social media that are available in today’s age such as “Yelp”, “Twitter” and “Facebook”.

This means that we as businesses have to be on our top notch game at all times to not fall into these potential losses. According to Keep Your Customers’ Online Reputations Clean by Dave Mesko there are a few main areas of your business that you can make or break a customer from posting good or bad feed back about your company.

Floors and Walk Ways:

One of the top things that needs to be done, is making sure the floors are clean and don’t have stains or messes. The main places this comes into effect is high traffic areas such as restaurants, where you have hundreds of people coming in and out of your facility with minimal time to clean between arrivals. These places have to be quick on their feet and can’t afford to leave slippery floors. This means that traditional moping may not be the best option for these companies. The alternative to this would be NexGen Bucket-less microfiber moping, which will keep the excess water and chemical off of the floor. NexGen Bucket-less Microfiber mops are also much better at picking up the spill. As compared to the dirt dilution system, that we find with traditional mopping.


The next place and by far the most important place to have looking nice is the restrooms According to a recent survey by Harris Interactive for SCA Tissue North America 50% of people who go to restaurants would speak negatively about the restaurant if they encounter a dirty restroom. As well, 3 in every 10 customers surveyed said they would never return to that restaurant, which can be extremely costly to your business. The solution isn’t just a matter of having clean floors and counters, but as well the restroom fixtures need to be clean and there needs to be toilet paper and paper towels readily available in all stalls and at all counters.

The most effective way to keep these problems from happening is have scheduled cleaning times and Jumbo toilet tissue dispensers. This will allow more time in between changes without the fear of running out and ensure that the restrooms get adequate cleaning through out the entire day. The next step is to have scheduled deep cleaning sessions to remove any odors and soil that may not be removed by an ordinary mop.

Avoiding cross contamination:

Employees need to be trained on the process of cleaning a facility, and not wiping down a toilet and then a counter or a table with the same cloth. The following link to “Training can Help Prevent Cross-Contamination” has more information about the best steps for preventing this from happening.

No matter what business you are in you will need customers to survive, and if you don’t keep your facility clean customers will spread negative thoughts about your company faster than ever. So, whether you’re using in house or contracted cleaning, appropriate equipment and training on the proper procedures for cleaning through out your custodial staff is necessary to keep your facility and social media clean of these problems.


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