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new mini-course from ace
Available from our ACE online campus, this Mini-Course is in video format, is less than 15 minutes and is intended for every member of your workfamily. Watch and listen as Dave talks about assessing issues, prioritizing them, repeating the information to the client, resolving issues and thanking clients. Post Views: 957
Janitorial Services Growth * Talking Clean in a Dirty World
The topic for today’s discussion is whether or not there really is going to be a 9% growth in the custodial/janitorial cleaning market over the next decade. This report says: Global Janitorial Services Market Report 2023: Growing Demand for the Real Estate Industry Fuels the Sector Link to the report:… Javier Cuarta starts the conversation…
SDOC Staff Attends Propane Class
Thank you to the supervisory team at the School District of Osceola County for hosting the Academy at this annual Propane Burnisher Certification class. Every January we work with the years newly hired staff members before they ever see a propane burnisher and instruct them on the safety procedures of operating and caring for propane…
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The STAT Report with Everett S2:E21
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BCWG S4:E15 Bobby Zagers with GEM Supply talks with Dave about COVID-19 and the challenges of distribution.
Bobby Zagers is the VP/CMO of GEM Supply, a distributor in central Florida. During this time of massive closures of facilities, service personnel is being called into action everywhere. As a result, distribution is being challenged. So much so that Bobby was not able to join us for this live broadcast as planned. Your host,…