13 Bermudians Earn ACE Technical Cleaning Certifications
Thirteen people — Lauretta Hinds, Nyasanu Wilson, Shaun Lambert, Aisha Trott, Erskine Phillips, Krista Dyer, Shakii Pearman, Glen Goater, Dwayne Bean, Micah Lambert, Delkeith Wilson, Brandan Millette, and Donald DeSilva — received their Technical Cleaning Certification through a course with the Bermuda Department of Workforce Development.

“In keeping with the Government’s Employment Strategy of increasing local training opportunities and promoting pathways to securing employment, I am pleased to announce that the Department of Workforce Development recently concluded a Technical Cleaning Certification course for thirteen local Bermudians,” said the Minister of Economy and Labour,Jason Hayward.
A Government spokesperson said, “The Technical Cleaning Certification course was held on 24th – 28th April in partnership with the local cleaning company, Atlantic Cleaning & Maintenance Services and secured the expertise of Mr. David Thompson from the Academy of Cleaning Excellence based in Florida, USA.
Read the full article from the Bermuda News here.