march 2021 classes at ace
The top three online courses for 2020 have just been updated for 2021. Each of these courses now have over 5 hours of recorded LIVE instruction video from classes conducted by the director of the Academy. While it is not the full experience of a hands-on class, you will now be able to get more…
BCWG S4:E51 Dr. Aaron Buchko talks about the void in behavior we are all going through at this stage of the pandemic. BCWG S4:E52 Bill Fellows is back talking the pH chart, strength of chemicals and safety. BCWG S4:E53 Kevin Stoller talks with us about what is happening now and in the coming months in…
Turquoise Level Properties & Facilities Building Tribal Housing Higher Education Jade Level Justice Center Central Receiving Medical Clinic Moache-Capote Building Museum Sun Ute Community Center Emerald Level Leonard C. Burch Building Multi-Purpose Building Justice & Regulatory Administration Has your building been verified as a healthy building for people to gather in? Is your operation doing…
Roy Daniels is the go-to expert for deep cleaning commercial restaurant spaces. As the owner of Ceilings Made Beautiful, Roy has spent over a decade perfecting the art of cleaning ceilings, walls, lights, and more. His attention to detail is unmatched, allowing him to uncover hidden dirt and grease that often go unnoticed by restaurant…
Keneth Lindsey is one of eight finalists for the international Rock Star Custodian 2021 award. Adora Sayre is the principal at Hollyvale Innovation Academy nominated Mr. Kenny Lindsey and they are here to talk with you about Mr. Kenny’s career and why he exemplifies the traits of the Rock Star Custodian. You can vote for…