Disinfectants and Safety
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Disinfectants and Safety

Standard precautions (SP) are safety practices you observe with every single person who uses your facility because not all the sick people are in hospitals or stay home with the “sniffles”. For your personal protection, treat every situation as though it was potentially infectious to you or your family. Remember: Because disinfectants are classified as…


GERMS?  Pathogenic Organisms?
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GERMS? Pathogenic Organisms?

“Germs” is not a scientific term, but they are better understood as bacteria, viruses, or fungi because these are living organisms. “Germs” is therefore a broad term we all use to refer to these microscopic organisms that can infect humans and animals. The more proper term for these bad germs would be “pathogenic organisms.” A…


MRSA & Schools
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MRSA & Schools

People can carry MRSA and not have any symptoms. These “carriers” can also transmit the bacteria to other people.  School is in session this week and we all need to be vigilant in our efforts. MRSA can be easily spread through skin-to-skin contact and by touching contaminated items. Therefore, it is crucial to take measures…


Newly Accredited Floor Care Experts
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Newly Accredited Floor Care Experts

The Academy of Cleaning Excellence held another professional development class yesterday.   “How to clean, polish and refinish resilient floor surfaces. Students reviewed with the instructor the reason we take care of floors, and it is not for Appearance.  You’ll have to come to class to learn the real reason.  Everyone got a chance to…
