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Physical Removal Class

The Academy had the opportunity and pleasure to conduct an afternoon class on the use of the two basic principles of all cleaning;

pH and physical removal.

This animal hospital was using their disinfectant with a parvo claim to keep their floors safe.  What they learned was how bad of a tool the mop and bucket was in the process.

No matter what the product was, the pH was not being removed and therefore the disinfect film left on the flooring had become a breeding ground for all types of pathogens.

Now with the new process, they will be using, there will be a removal of the food source prior to using the disinfectant, which is precleaning and is part of any disinfection process no matter what the surface is.

Remember, mop ENEMY – Squeegee FRIEND!

Special thanks to Kathy Dube and GEM Supply for setting up this class on proper processing of floors and disinfection of surfaces.


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